The wonderful weather we are having is drawing me outside and has my imagination working in overdrive…Maybe yours is too. Are you thinking about planning a home improvement job, planting a tree, installing a fence or deck?
WAIT! Here’s what you need to know first: Whether you are planning to do it yourself or hire a professional, smart digging means calling your utility company first. They will come to your home and mark the underground electricity cables, TV/phone, water and sewer lines. Homeowners often make risky assumptions about whether or not they should get these utility lines marked, but the service is free and a mistake can be quite costly. In the State of Washington it’s the law. Know what’s under the ground including the location of your septic tank and drain fields before even planting trees and shrubs.
811 is the designated number to call to put in your order to have your utilities marked before you dig or go to
If you are unsure where your septic tank or drain fields are located, give us a call. We can help you with that.